Ilya FomichevPainless building of an Android package installer appHow to create an APK installer app?Sep 24, 2023Sep 24, 2023
InProAndroidDevbyMarton BraunPublishing Android libraries to MavenCentral in 2021MavenCentral is the place to be for Android libraries, but publishing there is no easy task. Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to do it.Feb 10, 20217Feb 10, 20217
Lorenzo QuiroliShow app usage with UsageStatsManagerAndroid 5.0 Lollipop introduced lots of goodness for us Android developers, but here’s something you might have missed: UsageStatsManager.Dec 23, 201615Dec 23, 201615
Afrin SulthanaBuilding an App Usage Tracker in AndroidIn this article, we are going to look at how to build an Android app to extract Usage information of each app in terms of how long it is…Apr 20, 20191Apr 20, 20191